Ensure your workspaces and team are ready to hit the ground running when the next session begins.
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The period between legislative sessions is a great time to get your workspace(s) in Plural all cleaned up.
Here's a few tips to help you get things quickly and easily organized in Plural in between sessions:
- Untrack bills you're no longer interested in.* Untracking a bill will remove it from your list of tracked bills in Plural and stop you from receiving further email notifications about that bill. Note: You can do this in bulk!
- Re-organize your tags. Add new tags, delete un-needed tags, check for consistent naming conventions and tag/un-tag bills as needed.
- Update your saved searches. Check your list of saved searches and make any necessary modifications to search criteria, or delete saved searches that you'll no longer need.
- Update your notification settings. Make sure you're set to receive alerts at the frequency you need to ensure you don't miss anything you need to know about, including when a teammate mentions you in a comment.
*If you want to keep a record of previously tracked bills from past sessions, consider creating a new tag with the session year and bulk-tagging all of the past session bills before you untrack them.
Additional Tips if You're an Organization or Workspace Administrator:
- Manage user permission levels. Update permission levels of existing users as needed, including removing any users that no longer need access.
- Create additional workspaces. Create any necessary new workspaces, and begin adding relevant users to those workspaces now.
- Schedule a refresher training. If it's been a few months since you've used Plural, or if you have new teammates that could benefit from a live training, don't hesitate to reach out to support@pluralpolicy.com to schedule a training.