Look up legislative committee hearing details, including date, time, location and associated bills.
How to navigate to the Hearings page in Plural
To look up information for legislative committee hearings in Plural, first navigate to the Explorer page.
Once on the Explorer page, you can navigate to the hearings page for a particular jurisdiction in one of two ways:
1. From the map image, click on your desired jurisdiction and then click the number found to the right of "Hearings Available" or;
2. Navigate to the Jurisdiction menu found towards the top right corner of the Explorer page, and select the desired jurisdiction.
Once on the page of the desired jurisdiction click the number found to the right of "Hearings Available."
How to search within the Hearings page
From the hearings page, you can search for hearings by their associated committee(s) and/or by the date of the hearing.
Tip: If you don't see a committee listed in the provided dropdown menu, you can search by a keyword from the committee name.
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