Quickly analyze bill text to find commonalities in bills across state legislatures and the U.S. Congress.
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You can find the Global Bill Search feature within the Bill Detail page of any bill.
From the Bill Detail page, navigate to the “RELATED BILLS” tab found to the right of the “DETAILS” tab.
Within the “RELATED BILLS" tab you will find the “Global Bill Search” option. By clicking on the “Begin Search” button you will be able to select the legislatures in which you would like to search for bills that are similar to the one you have pulled up in your Bill Details page.
Once you have selected the legislatures in which you’d like to search, click “FIND BILLS” towards the bottom left of the Global Bill Search window.
You will then be presented with the results of bills from your selected legislatures that contain text that is similar to the bill found on your Bill details page.
Note: This feature is only available with premium plans. Explore plan options >>