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How to view committee information

View membership information and more for legislative committees

You can access committee information such as upcoming meetings and other occurrences in two places in Plural.

Legislator Profile Page

When viewing a bill page in Plural, sponsor and cosponsor information can be found in the “Details” tab found to the right of the bill text.

Screenshot 2024-10-04 at 3.42.37 PM

To view committee information for the committees that a particular legislator is a member of, click on the legislator’s name to open their Legislator Profile page

Legislator profile page for Aisha Gomez

Once on the legislator's profile page, scroll down on the left column (below the legislator's photo/initials) to find the legislator’s committee membership.

From there, click on a committee name to enter the committee's detail page.

list of committees as found on a legislator's profile page in Plural

In the top right corner of the committee detail page, click “Source Link” to be taken to the legislature website. 

red arrow on committee page in Plural pointing to top right corner of page where it says Source Link

On this page, you will find information on both past and future meetings and hearings, transcripts and reports, and more.

Preventing Homelessness Division page for the Minnesota House of Representatives

Explore Page

You can access the Explore page by going to the left sidebar of Plural and clicking "Explore" and then “Overview.”

Explore in left side bar


Within the Explore page, select the jurisdiction you’re looking to find Committee information for by clicking that jurisdiction on the map, and then clicking the highlighted number that appears to the right of "Committees Available."

Note: you will only be able to access committee information for the jurisdictions that your organization has purchased access to.

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Once on the "Jurisdiction" page, you'll find a list of all committees, including the chamber, name, chair, ranking member, and source link.

You can click on a committee name to see a list of all committee members.

You can click “Link” to the far right of any committee listed to be taken to the legislature website.

committee source links

On the respective legislature website, you will find information on both past and future meetings and hearings, transcripts and reports, and more.

Agriculture Finance and Policy committee page for the Minnesota House of Representatives

Note: This feature is only available with a paid plan. Explore plan options >>