Archive old notes for bills, legislators and workspaces to access them at a later date as needed
You can choose to archive (rather than delete) any note that you have posted in Plural on a bill page, legislator page or Workspace page (note: you can only archive notes posted by you).
To view notes that have been archived by you or anyone else in your Workspace:
1. Navigate to the relevant bill page, legislator page or Workspace space
2. Once on the desired page, go to the "ACTIVITY" tab
Activity tab on bill page
Activity tab on legislator page
Activity tab on a Workspace page
Once in the Activity tab of your desired page, click the "Filter" button that appears directly below the bottom left corner of the notes section, select "Archived" and then click "Save."
After clicking "Save" a list of all notes that have been archived for that bill, legislator or Workspace page will be displayed directly below the "Filter" button.
You can choose to "Unarchive" an individual note at any time, by clicking "Unarchive" in the bottom right corner of a note.
Note: This feature is only available with a paid plan. Explore plan options >>