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  2. Collaboration Features

How to share a note with a teammate

Alert teammates of important notes with the mention (@) function

Notes can be made in Plural in the ACTIVITY tab found in one of three places:

  1. Bill detail page
  2. Workspace detail page
  3. Legislator profile page

note box

To mention another Workspace member in your note, simply type @ and a list of Workspace members will appear. As you begin typing the teammate’s name, the list will filter to display the desired colleague’s name.

Once you have found the colleague’s name, press “Enter”/”Return” on your keyboard or select the colleague’s name with your mouse.

activity feed

After you are done writing your note, click the “Post” button found towards the bottom right corner of the note box and select whether to make the note visible to your personal workspace or an organizational workspace, and then click the “Post” button within the smaller pop-up box.

note box with note

After selecting the “Post” button within the pop-up box, your note will display in the activity feed found below the note box.

activity feed with note

After selecting “Post,” the mentioned Workspace member will also receive an email notification alerting them of the note they’ve been mentioned in if they have signed up for these alert notifications.

email alert

Workspace members can manage their notification settings for these types of alerts within the Account Settings > Notification Settings section of Plural.

collaboration notification settings

Note: This feature is only available with a paid plan. Explore plan options >>