How to save a search

Save your frequently used searches and receive email alerts as new updates are available for your search criteria.

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How to save a search

Once you have your search set up the way you want it, click the "Save" button next to the "Search" button.

Then, give your search a name, click the "Save" button, and the search will be saved to your workspace!

How to find your Workspace's saved searches

You can access your saved search in one of two places:

  1. The left-hand sidebar of Plural

    bottom left sidebar of Plural with Saved Searches drop down menu open

  2. The "Searches" tab of the Workspace Detail page

To see the results of your saved search, click on its name.

Note: Your saved search is not static – it is a dynamic filter that gets updated as new legislative data become available. As legislatures introduce new bills that match your saved search criteria, those bills will appear as results.

How to edit a saved search

To edit your saved search, follow these steps:

  1. Open the results of your saved search

  2. Update your selected search filters (e.g. input a new keyword or choose a new session)

  3. Click "Search"

  4. Click "Save"

Your updates have now been saved, and your search will retain the latest filters you have applied.

How to set up/modify notifications for your saved searches

Yes, you can! Learn more here.

Other FAQs

  1. Can others in my workspace see my saved searches?

    1. Yes, they can! Anyone who's a member of the workspace you saved your search to can see the saved search and its results.

  2.  Can I make a private saved search?

    1. Yes, you can! To make a private saved search, make sure you are working within your Personal organization, and save your search there.

  3. How do I rename my saved search?

    1. To rename your saved search, follow these steps:

      1. Open the "Searches" tab of the Workspace Detail page

      2. Click on the three vertical dots in the "Actions" column

      3. Click "Rename Search" and enter a new name

        Screen Shot 2023-03-18 at 1.41.56 PM

    2. Note: Workspace Administrators can rename all of a workspace's saved searches; Workspace Members can only rename their own saved searches

  4. How do I delete my saved search?

    1. To delete your saved search, follow these steps:

      1. Open the "Searches" tab of the Workspace Detail page

      2. Click on the three vertical dots in the "Actions" column

      3. Click "Delete Search"

        Screen Shot 2023-03-18 at 1.41.56 PM

    2. Note: Workspace Administrators can delete all of a workspace's saved searches; Workspace Members can only delete their own saved searches

    Note: This feature is only available with a paid plan. Explore plan options >>