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Basic information for Organization Administrators

Here's a few quick tips and tricks for Organization Administrators of Plural.

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To manage settings at the organization level in Plural, after logging into the platform, click on the icon that shows your initials in the top right corner of your screen, and select “Organization Settings.”

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Once in the Organization Settings section, select the furthest tab to your left titled “DETAILS.” Here, if desired you can re-name your organization in Plural or at any later point.

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The next tab to your right, you’ll find the “MEMBERS” tab. In this tab, you can manage access and permission levels for all Plural users in your organization, including suspending or removing a user

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On the final tab to your right, you’ll find “WORKSPACES.” Once your organization has Workspaces set up in Plural, this is where you can return to if you ever need to check the membership of a Workspace or delete a Workspace. 

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If you are an Organization Administrator, note that while you can see a list of all Workspaces owned by everyone in your organization, you cannot see what happens within those individual workspaces unless you join them.

Things to consider when you begin working in Plural

As an Organization Administrator, before inviting teammates into Plural, we encourage you to give thought to the following questions:
  • What Workspaces do we need to set up?
  • What Tags do we want to create to get started? (This isn’t required, but it is a good idea).
  • Who should I invite to join Plural (and why)? What permissions levels should each person have?

Once you’ve thought through these questions and taken a few minutes to set up your organization’s basic structure for Workspace and Tags, it’s time to start inviting your team to join you in Plural!

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