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An overview of Plural's permission levels

Learn more about the three categories of permission levels in Plural.

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There are three categories of permission levels for users of Plural:

  • Organization Administrator

  • Workspace Administrator
  • Workspace Member

Organization Administrator

Organization Administrators have the highest level of access in Plural, including the ability to name or re-name your organization within the platform; create and remove workspaces; add users; suspend or remove users; assign and manage permission levels, and monitor activity happening within Plural from across your organization. 

If you’re not sure if you have Organization Administrator access, after logging into the platform, click on the icon of your initials in the top right corner of your screen. If you see the “Organization Settings” option available to you, this means that you have Organization Administrator access. 

Screenshot 2023-07-14 at 11.40.19 AM

If you discover that you’re the Organization Administrator, and don’t want or need this level of access, you can assign this role to any other Plural user within your organization

And note, while multiple users can be assigned the role of Organization Administrator, we strongly recommend that you reserve this permission level to just 1-2 Plural users within your organization.

Workspace Administrator

Workspace Administrators can create new Workspaces,  remove workspaces they administer, add or remove members from the Workspaces they administer, and monitor activity within the workspaces they are a part of.

Workspace Member

Workspace Members can only work within the Workspace of which they are a member. They can not add or remove members from a Workspace or add and remove a workspace.

Here's a summary of access for each permission level:


Organization Administrator

Workspace Administrator

Workspace Member

See all users in the organization account

See all workspaces in the organization account

Create new workspaces

Edit workspaces

Delete workspaces

Add users to workspaces

Remove users from workspaces

Edit the organization account


Everyone who uses Plural has their own user account. Your user account is your identity on Plural.

Each user account is connected to an email address. A single email address can only be associated with one user account (e.g. Laura Palmer cannot use laurapalmer@mountsi.edu to create more than one Plural user account).

Through your user account, you can join workspaces. Workspaces are owned by organization accounts. Joining a workspace links your user account to the organization account that owns that workspace.

There is no limit on the number of workspaces you can join, or the number of organization accounts you can be associated with.


  1. Can I join multiple organizations with the same user account?
    1. Yes! You can use one user account to join any number of organizations in Plural.
  2. Why can’t I reactivate a user’s account?

    1. If you can’t reactivate a user’s account, it means that a Plural Administrator has frozen it. Please contact us for help at support@pluralpolicy.com or via the chat box in the bottom right corner of Plural.

  3. Who can see what work happens within a workspace?

    1. For regular and Plural Unite workspaces, only members of a workspace can see the work that happens within a workspace (e.g. bills, notes, files, tags).

    2. Organization Administrators can see a list of all workspaces owned by their organization, but they cannot see what happens within those workspaces unless they join them.

    3. No one apart from you can see the contents of your Personal organization. This is an entirely private space accessible only by you.

  4. Can I invite people outside of my organization to a workspace?

    1. Yes! If you are creating a workspace for work that may be separate from your organization's day-to-day policy work, use a Plural Unite workspace

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